The Background of Blue Emergency Lighting

In Belgium and many other European countries, the flashing lights of emergency services such as police, fire departments, and ambulances are blue. This choice is rooted in both historical and practical reasons.

Historical Background

The origin of blue flashing lights dates back to the 1930s in Germany. In 1933, the German police switched from red to blue warning lights, a change that was later adopted by the fire department. A key reason for this decision was that blue light is highly visible up close but less noticeable from a distance, such as from the air. This was strategically advantageous during World War II, as enemy aircraft found it harder to detect vehicles.

Optical Properties

Blue light has specific properties that make it ideal for emergency vehicles. It spreads effectively through the atmosphere, ensuring excellent visibility at close range. This enhances the visibility of emergency services in various conditions, such as bad weather or darkness.

International Variations

While blue is the standard color for flashing lights in many European countries, international differences exist. For example, in the United States and some other countries, red or a combination of red and blue lights are used for emergency services. These variations are often based on local regulations and traditions.


The choice of blue flashing lights in Belgium and other European countries is both historically and optically justified. The color blue ensures optimal visibility and has become the recognizable signal for emergency services over the years.