AEB nv

Information zu AEB nv Odoo-Instanz, Open Source ERP.

Installierte Apps

Attachment Preview
This module adds a new widget, "many2many_attachment_preview", which enables the user to view attachments without downloading them.
Double Opt-In
Double Opt In Verification For Email Marketing
Vom Angebot bis zur Rechnung
Rechnungen & Zahlungen
Product Minimum Quantity
This modules support for Product Minimum Quantity.
Sale Order Product Minimum Quantity
This modules support for Sale Order Product Minimum Quantity.
eCommrece Product Minimum Quantity
This modules support for eCommrece Product Minimum Quantity.
Leads verfolgen und Verkaufschancen erfolgreich abschließen
Ihre Lager- und Logistikaktivitäten verwalten
Verwaltung der Finanzbuchhaltung und Kostenrechnung
Bestellungen, Ausschreibungen und Verträge
Organisation und Planung Ihrer Projekte
Online-Verkauf Ihrer Produkte
Fertigungsaufträge & Stücklisten
Entwerfen, senden und verfolgen von E-Mails
Verfolgung der Arbeitszeit Ihrer Mitarbeiter für Aufgaben
Einreichen, Überprüfen und Weiterberechnen von Mitarbeiterspesen
Erstellung und Anpassung Ihrer Odoo-Apps
Bezahlten Urlaub zuweisen und Urlaubsanträge verfolgen
Zentralisierung von Mitarbeiterinformationen
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Account Mail template per company
This module allows you to set default templates for Credit Note.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
AEB Payment Customization
AEB Payment Customization
AEB Stock Detailed Operation
AEB Stock Detailed Operation
Audit Log
Auto calculate sales price
Automatically calculates sales price.
Bpost Odoo Shipping Integration
Shipping integration with Odoo is a crucial aspect of optimizing and streamlining business logistics. Odoo, a comprehensive business management software, allows seamless integration with various shipping carriers to enhance the efficiency of the shipping process. You can perform various operations like get Live shipping rate,Generate Shipping labels, Track Shipment,You can cancel the shipments too. You can find out our other modules like Vraja Shipping Integration, vraja technologies, vraja shipping, Belgium shipping integration by vraja technologies, BE Shipping Integration, France shipping integration by vraja technologies, FR Shipping Integration, Netherlands shipping integration by vraja technologies, NL Shipping Integration, Germany shipping integration by vraja technologies, DE Shipping Integration, Odoobpost, Odoo bpost.
CRM opportunity from order
Create opportunity from order
DPD Benelux Shipping Integration
Shipping integration with Odoo is a crucial aspect of optimizing and streamlining business logistics. Odoo, a comprehensive business management software, allows seamless integration with various shipping carriers to enhance the efficiency of the shipping process. You can perform various operations like get Live shipping rate,Generate Shipping labels, Track Shipment,You can cancel the shipments too. You can find out our other modules like Vraja Shipping Integration, vraja technologies, vraja shipping, Belgium shipping integration by vraja technologies, BE Shipping Integration, Luxembourg shipping integration by vraja technologies, LU Shipping Integration, Netherlands shipping integration by vraja technologies, NL Shipping Integration, dpd NL, dpd LU, dpd BE,Odoodpdbenelux, Odoo dpd benelux.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
GLS Odoo Shipping Integration
Shipping integration with Odoo is a crucial aspect of optimizing and streamlining business logistics. Odoo, a comprehensive business management software, allows seamless integration with various shipping carriers to enhance the efficiency of the shipping process. You can perform various operations like get Live shipping rate,Generate Shipping labels, Track Shipment,You can cancel the shipments too. You can find out our other modules like Vraja Shipping Integration, vraja technologies, vraja shipping, Belgium shipping integration by vraja technologies, BE Shipping Integration, Austria shipping integration by vraja technologies, AT Shipping Integration, France shipping integration by vraja technologies, FR Shipping Integration, Germany shipping integration by vraja technologies, DE Shipping Integration, Odooglsshipping, glsshipping, Odoo gls shipping.
Exclude Partner from Belgium VAT Report
This module allows you to exclude partner from the Belgian partner VAT listing.
MailChimp Connector
Automate - Integrate & Manage MailChimp Operations from Odoo (Odoo MailChimp, MailChimp Odoo, Mailchimp Connector)
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Minutes of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting.
Product Tiered Pricing
Order Quantity Based Tiered Pricing for Products
Production order show stock location
To easily see on which stock location a product is let us show it per production order line in the form view
Import purchase pricelist
Import purchase pricelist.
Enhanced RESTful API access to Odoo resources with (optional) predefined and tree-like schema of response Odoo fields ============================ Tags: restapi, connector, connection, integration, endpoint, endpoints, route, routes, call method, calling method, openapi, oauth, swagger, webhook, webhooks, report, reports
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dummy module needed for v17 upgrade.
Dokumente versenden, um online zu unterschreiben und ausgefüllte Kopien zu bearbeiten
Qualitätskontrolle Ihrer Produkte
Chat, Mail-Gateway und private Kanäle
Zentralisierung Ihres Adressbuchs
Verwaltung von Mietverträgen, Abholungen und Rückgaben
Planung von Mitarbeiterversammlungen
Social Marketing
Verwaltung Ihrer sozialen Medien und Website-Besucher
Verwaltung Ihres Fuhrparks und Verfolgung von Fahrzeugkosten
Automatisierte Mailingkampagnen erstellen
Anwesenheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter verfolgen
Internet der Dinge
Grundmodelle und Helfer zur Unterstützung des Internets der Dinge (IoT).
Verwendung von Barcode-Scannern zur Abwicklung von Logistikvorgängen
Organisation Ihrer Arbeit mit Notizen und To-do-Listen